Antique Pram - アンティークの乳母車

Today I will introduce an item that I bought which is an antique perambulator  (baby carriage/cot) that is recently called "buggy" in Japan by young mothers, but "perambulator" or "carriage" seems to be more suitable for this one.  I really enjoyed seeing and buying bisque doll-related items at antique shops in U.K. 

The size of the carriage is around 60cm, which is relatively large, and when put beside a big doll, the doll will look like she is pushing a pram, which can be very cute.  In this photo, I have placed small cupy cupids inside. 

I have made 3 different types of cupids. They are made from 4 separate parts (head, body, hands, and legs) which are made from one mold, then combined as one doll. As referred to in a previous article, the procedure includes 3~4 times of baking/heating, which takes a lot of time, but such effort will be rewarded later on.  I remember one of my old friends to whom I have sent the cupid.  

I bought the carriage at an antique shop fairly close to London called battlesbrige antique center which is about 2 hours by car.  My teacher of doll-making in England, Mrs. V Dixon, told me about this antique shop.  

I had many chances to visit there on Sundays, and I never got tired of seeing the shops.  One lady at the shop said in order to make the items seem antique, she would put them outside in sunshine and wind/rain of England. This is a kind of "Aging" technique.  The shopping is a very good memory of England! 






この乳母車は、1985年頃ロンドンから車で2時間位北東にいったバトルスブリッジというところにあるアンティークショップが集まったエリア(Battlesbridge Antique Center)で買い求めた物です。この場所は私の先生であるイギリス人のMrs. V Dixonさんに教えてもらいました。

そこは毎日オープンしており、アンティークやクラフトなど色々あり何度訪れて歩いていても飽きません。ある女性の店主は、アンティーク風に見せるために、イングランドの雨や風にあて古い感じを出すために外に置いておくと話していました。いま流行りのエージングのはしりでしょうか。当時は日曜日には地方のアンティークショップを廻ってビスクドールに関係する品物 を探し始めるのに興味を持ち始めました。懐かしい思い出です。