June Bride - 6月の花嫁

English Followed.
April showers bring forth May flowers*ということわざもあります。5月になると、有名なチェルシー・フラワーショウがあります。
ロンドンのハイドパークの西にあるポートベローロード・マーケット - 映画ノッティングヒルの恋人で有名です - は、観光客に人気で、毎週土曜日にひらかれ、私は、その日は朝5時に起き、車ででかけていました。ビスクドールに使うアンティークのレースや布地やブローチなどを購入した、思い出の多いところです。





 In England - they have a variety of seasonal wording - like April Shower, May Flower, June Bride....

Even in Japan or Asia - June is a rainy/humidity season - but  June in England is less rainy and sunny days continue - which is a good month for weddings. 

Antique Markets are held at a variety of places - like Hotels, Castles, Parks or roadside.

Portbello Market which is held by the west of Hyde Park is very poplular for tourists.  Every Saturday I woke up at 5AM and drove to the market.  I have many memories of buying antique clothes, brooches, and laces for bisquedolls. 

The wedding doll of the picture is Jumeau of 37cm.  I have also attached a previous picture which shows a wedding ceremony. 

Bisque doll - fashion doll to share trend - ファッション伝達のためのビスクドール

(English followed)



ファッションドール ジュモー45cm







A bisque doll was originally developed as a “Fashion Doll” to share/show fashion of the upper class as a kind of mannequin rather than toys for children. 

What is a fashion-doll?  There are various stories.  The most common fashion doll was made in France around 1860~1890,  has a bisque head, has an adult proportion with body made by leather, and wearing the latest fashion.  Some definition has only the limitation of a Parisiennea (Parisian woman) of Jumeau or a Lady doll who “doesn’t” wear the prevalent/trendy wear. 

From a historic viewpoint - there are many fashions of a luxury doll from an ancient era. 

The purpose of fashion dolls is as toys for children and another is as mannequins for Haute couture producers. Probably there were both purposes for the dolls.

There are also a variety of types of dolls made from woods, wax, paper marche, china etc.. They have an adult proportion wearing prevalent/trendy clothes.

In my fashion doll the head, shoulder, hands, and legs are made by bisque and baked/heated at 1200C with the body made by leather and fabric.




Bru Jeune w/ red feather hat- 赤い帽子の女の子



Bru Jeune(ブリュー・ジュン)という、フランスのサン・ドニ(パリ市のすぐ北側)で設立されたブリュー工房での作品です。出来上がり30cmのビスクドールで、日本の家屋に置くのにも最適なサイズになってます。




有名な作品のため検索すると他の方々の作品がたくさんGoogleでは出てきますが(Bru Jeune - Google 検索)、私の作品いかがでしょうか?


Today's doll is Bru Jeune which orignally designed by Bru was made at Saint Denis near Paris, France.  30 cm is a relatively compact size which fits nicely in homes. 

I met Bru through my 2nd lesson in England after a 2hr drive through M25, in Brighton, a town near the Sea.  I attended a 2-day workshop to create one doll which was 23 inch with a wine-red long dress. 

The head was held by the left hand and painted with thin brushes, and eyelashes and eyebrows were also written.

Now I use water based painting but at that time we used oil painting which made it difficult to make corrections. 

My teacher prepared dinner for us and we had a lot of fun time which is still a good memory.  Summer in London is bright until 10pm and driving in the summer

was also a lot of fun.

This original doll is very famous and you can see many of the same models in google search - but I believe each ones bring a different impression(Bru Jeune - Google 検索) - What kind of impression do you have for my work? 

I had an image for Christmas holidays in the Red Shantung Hat with a feather.  I paid alot of attention in drawing the lips which shows the childish-like smile .